We are bringing a NEW GAME+ mode for both Classic Games!
In this mode, you will experience the full story starting with end-game items like the Sabre, the Protopack and Magic Level 4!
Note that you still need to collect all items to progress through the story as you would in a regular playthrough. Look at these amazing GIFs!
What would you do with the sabre?

Who needs to jump when you’ve got a protopack?

How about a protection spell?

So how did we end up with that mode?
Since our work on porting the games on Luna with Seb, we were able to really go deep under the hood of the games. During one meeting, Seb told us about a debug mod of TLBA2 Classic that enables you to play the games with all items of the game. I couldn’t resist asking him to play this debug mode! After a few minutes, I realized I couldn’t stop smiling. After an internal discussion, we decided to create a proper New Game + for both Classic games. A few months later, the result is finally here! I really hope you will like it as much as we did.
The content of the updates
Twinsen’s Little Big Adventure Classic
- Language select in menu
- Steam Achievements
- Steam Cloud Saving
- Controller Support
- Input remapping
- New Game+
- Windowed Support
- Hit by walls toggle on/off
Twinsen’s Little Big Adventure 2 Classic
- Language select in menu
- Steam Achievements
- Steam Cloud Saving
- Controller Support
- Input remapping
- New Game+
- Windowed Support
- Auto-centered camera in exteriors setting on/off
These versions are available on every current (Steam, GoG, Itch and Amazon Luna) and future platform where the games are already available. A Mac version is not yet planned. Should you prefer to play the original version of the games, they will be available as a free DLC on Steam.
Thanks for supporting us in our adventure of bringing back TLBA to the forefront.
Special thanks to our beta testers, who helped us with their amazing precise and thorough feedbacks.