Dear Community,
A year ago, we invited you to try an early version of what would become Little Big Adventure – Twinsen’s Quest. Since then, a thousand things have happened: challenges overcome, ideas refined, and adjustments made to create something truly unique. Today, we’re just weeks away from the official release, deep in the polishing phase where every bug fixed and every detail perfected brings us closer to our final vision.
Throughout this journey, your feedback—whether enthusiastic or sometimes more skeptical—has been our guiding star. We understand your concerns, as some choices may seem surprising. But rather than endlessly debating what does or doesn’t make an LBA game, we decided to give you a concrete taste of our work, even if it’s not yet finalized.
That’s why, for one week only, from September 25 at 2:21 AM (CST) to October 2 at 2:21 AM (CST), we’re offering you the chance to dive into Chapter 1 of the game. EDIT: Due to the success of the demo, we will enter the Steam Next Fest with it. The demo will be live until October 21st.
If you enjoy the experience, please leave a positive review on Steam! This will help us reach a broader audience beyond the loyal community you already represent. 🙏
To play, simply visit our Steam page and download the game:
Thank you for your unwavering support, and enjoy your journey on Twinsun!
See you soon,
Tutorial: How to leave a review on a demo page
You need to go to the page of the demo. Be careful, it’s a different page from the main game.
You can find it by searching the game:

Or by clicking here on the main page:

Then, you should see this:

A HUGE thanks in advance!
Is it anready available? can’t download the demo
No, check the countdown 😉
Please make this demo available WITHOUT steam client requirement, let’s it work on Windows Seven – RTM version without any service packs, please.
I want to have nothing to do with Steam Client, please make all download links steam-free!
Please release standalone version of limited time demo, Steam does not provide redistributable!
Does this demo work on VANILLA SP-0 Windows Seven?
I see: demos, screenshots – it all shows Unity 2022.3.*f1 series, where * is varying number. I request that all NEW LBA games will be made in this 2022.3 version of Unity, since it will allow them to run on Windows Seven, so please, never do switch to Unity 2023 and newer.
“With Unity 2023.2, we are making a change to our supported platforms for the Windows Standalone Player and we will be removing support for Windows 7.”
No mac version… a single tear runs melancholically down my cheek.
Consider a mac version sold if you decide to make one.
I’m very happy for your entire team at this moment! I’ve been following your work since you started reviving the franchise. LBA was an important part of my childhood with LBA2. I never finished the first one, and I’m glad to have the opportunity to experience the story in a modernized way. From what has been shown so far, I really like how the game is shaping up, and I’m very happy with how you are handling this project, bringing the community closer and listening to our feedback.
Wishing much success for the franchise and your future projects! Much love from Brasil!
Cant wait
Exciting, marking my calendar
Wiii que emoción
A demo is always a great sign for a game. Will absolutely check it out tomorrow.
Sounds great. But Im waiting for PS5 version. So if the demo is only on PC, I will wait my turn with full version.
It was my first game I concinved my parrents to purchase for me as a kid based on some cd full of shareware and demos. So it ment lot to me and I have some special memories. Im really looking forwrd for playing it again. Considering english is not my native language and I was not good at english as small kid, I guess I will uncover lot in the story I missed 😀
What is the actual release date?
Why no mac version of the demo? Pleaassseeeeeeee 😉
loved it! can’t wait for the full game!
Je pense qu’on peut résumer cette démo en 3 mots : “Excellent”, “excellent” et “excellent” !!
2, 3 petites remarques tout de même.
– J’ai un bug au niveau des dialogues de Luna. Chaque fin de phrase est coupée à une demi seconde de la fin. On comprend très bien ce qu’elle dit, mais il manque un petit poil du dialogue à chaque fin de phrase
– Dans le play test, on voyait que les commandes de l’époque étaient prévues. Est-ce toujours le cas ? Je suis tellement habitué à ces commande old school que là ça fait bizarre !
– J’ai aussi un problème de balance au niveau des sons. Certains sont trop fort, d’autres pas assez.
J’ai vraiment de faire la suite !
C’est top ! Par contre ce n’est pas très intuitif pour déposer un avis. La page de la démo dans la bibliothèque renvoie sur celle du jeu, où l’on ne peut évidemment pas commenter, et il faut aller chercher “Twinsen’s Quest Demo” dans le magasin.
I played the demo, I can’t wait to start playing the final version. This was one of my favourite games during my childhood. I have also the whole walkthrough of the classic version on my youtube channel. The only thing that I was not a fan of was lack of stealth mode or I could not turn it one. When it comes to the remaining elements I am a huge fan of. Can’t wait once again 🙂
Awesome demo! Thanks guys! I’m from Ukraine, Kyiv, we’re at war, but damn it, I’ll buy the Little Big Adventure at launch on all platforms!) I’m really looking forward to the release and then the remake of LBA2) the best games of my childhood! I was just ecstatic when I found out that a remake was being made! Wow!)
…really, evacuate your PCs and stuff to Germany – putinists won’t destroy your precious LBAs!
The demo has really taken away a lot of my skepticism. It really feels like the developers know and love LBA. It’s one thing to say you do, it’s another to show it, and they really did.
Love seeing parts of LBA 2 here, like the school or lighthouse, as well as NPC names I recognize from LBA 2 as well.
Weather I end up liking all changes or not has become irrelevant, as it is undeniable that this is a labor of love imo.
Thanks so much for remaking one of my favorite childhood games! There’s a lot to love about it. The new tunic design looks amazing—it really fits the character and feels updated without losing the original charm. The music and voice acting are also fantastic, bringing the game’s world to life just like I remember. I also got a kick out of how items still fly off in random directions when dropped, just like in the original. That little detail adds some humor and unpredictability, which is great.
That said, I do have a few thoughts – these aren’t meant to be criticisms, just some personal observations:
Controls: the isometric perspective makes the controls a bit tricky on PC. You need to hold two keys at once to move in basic directions, which can feel awkward. Also, there’s a noticeable delay when you jump after pressing the button, which affects the game’s flow.
Story changes: it feels like the story’s been tweaked in a way that changes the original tone. If I’m not mistaken, Twinsen was originally captured for his prophetic dreams, which made sense for why they were after him. Now, it feels more like he’s just committed a regular crime. Additionally, his sister’s new role as the main reason he’s being hunted doesn’t make her character more appealing.
Magic ball: throwing the ball feels a bit clunky now. You have to wait for it to hit the enemy before you can throw it again, which slows things down.
Overall, I’m really enjoying the remake, and I hope this feedback will be of some help. Thanks again for all your hard work, can’t wait to play full version!
I love the demo and I’m really looking forward to play the full game release of LBA 1 and 2 and hope for a LBA 3 with new game story.
I like the new art style and characters in the game. i remember back in 1994 i play Little Big Adventure and later Little Big Adventure 2
and I think the two games are a golden milestone in my game timeline/history. and many other fans who have the same game taste and
are old school gamer like me + new gamers 😁
Good idea with remake Little Big Adventure i have wanted this for a long time. So thanks for making it possible. 👍👍👍👏👏👏 🙏😌
Kind regards Kaj alias Lusingando (\(.)¿(.)/) From Denmark
I will start with all the positives …I LOVED IT…anticipation for full release is through the roof now!
But, just a little thing…I play on an ultra wide monitor. I didn’t notice any options for setting screen size, hopefully this is in the final version. But, it pulls the screen to fit the width, therefore cutting off the top and bottom…this was a bigger problem in the menu, because I can only assume there is a quit button…I had to shut the game through the task manager.
That being said, I have the game pre-ordered on PS5, so shouldn’t be a problem on there on a standard TV, I assume.
My laptop runs Windows Seven and steam client no longer works on it! Please provide us direct download link to your Limited Time Demo – just weeping…
Overall, I enjoyed the demo a lot, very much looking forward to playing both!
Interestingly, I played LBA2 first and I remember the plot fairly accurately, so I’m more curious about the adjustments. For the first LBA, I hardly remember any plot points other than the initial jailbreak and the finale, so I’m excited to explore it anew with an updated mechanics and a smooth world.
Regarding feedback, doing away with explicit stances in favour action buttons I feel was a good step. I did like how smooth the character moves, arguably some of the challenge in the old LBA were the controls! There could be a bit more guidance hotkeys (I didn’t figure out until the end of the demo how to switch the holomap on without going to the inventory. So far I feel the plot additions are appropriate to the tone of the game. Voice acting and music are great. The joy of exploring Citadel Island definitely was present.
Thank you for the labour of love, it’s been wishlisted for a while and I’m eagerly awaiting the full release now!
What’s with the MAC version?
Yesterday I played both the original version and the demo. I like the new role with Luna, and I think that now the story flows better, but I miss the introduction of how Twinsun stands between two suns and Sendell… But here are my main thoughts:
– I did not like the controllers for PC. I tried to change some things in settings, but I don’t think it is OK. For instance, when attacking, the attack goes where the mouse arrow is. I prefer the old way, it is easier to control it only with the keyboard. If you use the keyboard to attack, every time Twinsen attacks to the left. It is strange, but maybe I am not used to it. So, I connected my PS controller, and it worked fine.
– When throwing the magic ball, if you keep pressing, it is not thrown again as it was on the previous version. Now it is harder to kill powerful grobos.
– I miss the option to choose the mood. I like how weapons worked differently depending on the mood, and I believe now this is not possible.
– I found the game a bit easier. For example, to enter the garbage truck, before you had to talk to someone who would explain that you should be using discreet mode. Now, when you get to the place, it appears the symbol for the command to get discreet. On previous version, it was necessary to understand and reflect about what to do and what is happening to complete the mission. When playing LBA2, I ran for days after the umbrella thief until I got the idea to change to discreet mode.
– A pretty important thing that improved on this version: you do not get back to the medical facility when caught after meeting Luna (if you don’t get to the basement). It was boring when you got caught because you had to do allllll the waaaay again and again and again to escape. Lets see how it will work when in Proxima Island.
– I really like that now we have more details and posters to read, it enriches the story.
– I like that now you do not need to search on every piece of furniture, if it has something, an icon will show up.
– I really like the art, except for the garbage dump. The old one was more detailed.
I am really excited about the game, and waiting for its launching. I will play the PS5 version because of the controls. If I might give you an idea, make side quests and new places to explore, so we can rediscover the whole world of Twinsun. I understand that the game might be concluded by this time, but consider the idea for a DLC content or even paid expansion. I am sure fans like me will get it!
When I played LBA2 as a child, I did not know about the island near the farm, where the protection spell is hidden. As an adult I discovered that when looking through the telescope (as a child, I didn’t want to spend 5 kashes to see what happened. A waste of money! lol) and it was incredible that I could rediscover a world that I thought I knew too well. the same happened in the volcano under Celebration Island.
Congratulations for the good work you showed with this demo!
I am a big fan of the game. I currently have a MacBook and an Xbox One, but I couldn’t wait and managed to play the demo version on a Windows computer in the cloud. Great job, thank you so much for that! I am very excited for the final version!
However, I was sad to learn that only those who purchase the physical version for PS5 and Nintendo Switch will receive items like the lenticular 3D and the Artbook, as I would love to display them on my shelf.
… You released a timed demo for only one week that starts within 24 hours of a brand new Zelda game?
I mean, I did want to try this… but if you’re going to make me pick between this and a brand new Zelda game… I’m sorry but it’s pretty tough to beat Zelda!
Hopefully there will be a demo when the game releases?
I’m really sad because there is no Physical Copy for Xbox players, but I will test the demo and play the digital game. I Played a lot of the old titles.
I don’t like the art style, sorry. Big no-no-no here.